your dream our mission
Tiny Scape Reboot
This tiny front yard was previously dried up grass and weeds with a broken walkway on a busy street. Everything in this garden was already on property!

Garden Rooms
A garden room is an area we can help you create to sit in separate from your yard or garden. Located within your current garden, depending on the size you can have one or many

Potted Plant design
We believe in using what grows naturally around our area to provide a long lasting easy to maintain beautiful garden feature.

Garden Paths
Putting in a garden path is an easy way to eliminate some of your grass if you are wanting to go in a more water wise direction. This is one of our first Spokane Scape projects, using the Spokane Scape method of covering sod with cardboard and 3-4 inches of compost. It has been highly successful, and this garden now in its 3rd year requires maintenance only 1x month and no grass has come through.

Raised Bed Gardens
We set you up for success. Assist with assembling beds, once you purchase them. We design to your specific veggie preferences with plant selection/combining and placing. The secret is in the soil and we have the right recipe.

Maintenance Gardening
Once we get your garden clean and weed free it is important to maintain it on a weekly or biweekly schedule, each garden will have varying needs.
Transformation is possible
creating beauty is our jam

Neat and Clean
This is an example of an initial clean up application of cardboard barrier or sheet mulching and fresh new mulch. Which then becomes on of our maintenance gardens.
Spokane Scape In motion
Below is an example of a Spokane Scape Install. All edges of lawn are removed along with any tall weeds, cardboard is then applied and watered and staked in. A fresh new mulch is applied to give the home a whole new feeling and the owner the relief of not having to water or mow the lawn.